Monday, August 13, 2012

Small miracles of The Emotion Code

I would like to share 2 scenarios of the healing power of releasing trapped emotions:
Scenario 1- testing how well one's immune system is working   
Today, my husband was sick and not feeling well. He had a sore throat, and a stuffy nose, and was very tired. He went to sacrement meeting with me and I walked home with him after. During sacrement, I muscle tested him by proxy. I asked what percentage his immune system was working at. The answer I got was 34%. Of course someone would not feel well with their immune system only doing 1/3 of its job.
     When we got home, I muscle tested him to see if there were any trapped emotions that were causing his immune system to not work as efficiently as it should. I got a yes answer. I released a trapped emotion. Then I went back to church and tested for trapped  emotions by proxy ( I was testing for him). I found several trapped emotions and released them. His immune system went from working at 34% to 60%. Then, when I got home from church, I tested him for the rest. I released a few more and and finally his immune system was working at 100%.
     This was done by releasing trapped emotions, or negative frequencies that were lodged in the body. It was 10 minutes later that he was feeling more normal again. His sore throat was gone. His nose was cleared up about 20 minutes later. And he was back to his normal self... I know this because he was getting silly and was trying to start a pillow fight.

Scenario 2- reducing pain
A friend of mine agreed to let me work on her. She had a headache  and low back pain. She rated the headache a 6 out of 10 (10 being unbearable) and the back pain 4. I muscle tested her and found several trapped emotions that were underlying causes of each condition. I was able to pinpoint the age for each one and she was able to connect them to experiences in her life. After our session, she rated her headache as a 1 and her low back pain as a 0 (ZERO). Her back pain was gone and her headache went from pretty bad to almost gone, all my releasing trapped emotions!
    The power of releasing trapped emotions is real. Pain can be decreased. Anxiety and depression can be reduced or even cleared. Diseases can be prevented. This is a non-evasive technique to make life more enjoyable by literally removing emotional baggage. Contact me if you'd like to give it a try!

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