Wednesday, March 13, 2019

3 years since I have posted!

Can you believe it have been 3 years since I have posted anything on this blog? 3 years? That is 1,095 days. How much can happen in that short period of time? I mean, its only 1,000 days, right? In the last 1,000 days, we have moved from Hawaii, lived in Illinois, had a baby, moved to Utah, bought a house, graduated from college, met new people, lost touch with many, and met new people again. Well, in that time, life is brought me to the edge, I have fallen and gotten back up, over and over again. Life does not always turn out as we expect.

People don't get married, planning on getting divorced. We don't expect to lose a child, get in a bad car accident, get diagnosed with chronic illness. Bumps come and then we have to deal with them, giving us life experience. Life experience is one of our greatest teachers, or it should be.

I have been on the search or journey to find me, the true essense of who I am, and my purpose. It is no coinsidence that the Emotion Code, Body Code, Foot zone Therapy, 3 kep elements, mentoring programs, other trainings have come into my life. If you look into this industry, its booming. Seriously. There are more and more healers coming to the surface. Why? Because the world is changing. People are changing. Hard things in life happen, and it causes us to create change.  Each and every person is unique with their own set of talents and qualities. Each person has a mission, or many missions to complete in life. We are creators. You can be a creator. You were meant to create.

I am creating. I am becoming. I have goals and dreams. Right now, I am creating birthing mentoring programs because that is one of my passions. What are you creating?

To get in touch with me, reach out to me 

  • on my website:
  • on my Balance For Birth FB page:
  • on my Body and Soul Healing FB page:
  • Email:

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